Hollywood Undead
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Falling in Reverse - The Popular MonsTOUR II: World Domination
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Falling in Reverse - The Popular MonsTOUR II: World Domination
Nummeret fem har stor betydning. Vi har fem sanser. Fem punkter pryder en stjerne. Fem repræsenterer manden i teologien. For de fem medlemmer af Hollywood Undead - Johnny 3 Tears, J-Dog, Charlie Scene, Funny Man og Danny - sammenfatter cifferet deres femte fuldlængde album, Five perfekt. Således beskriver bandet det selv, og Johnny 3 Tears uddyber:
“We’re five brothers, and this is our fifth record. Nothing gets to the essence of the music like this number does. Numerology has a lot of power. When we said Five, it just made sense. The fact that we could all agree on one word codifies who we are. It also nods back to ‘No. 5’ from our first album, because it was our fifth song. Moreover, it hints at this secret society of fans supporting us for the past decade. The number is significant, and this is a significant moment for us.”
Det er også et øjeblik, Los Angeles-bandet har arbejdet henimod siden udgivelsen af deres RIAA platin-certificerede 2008 debut, Swan Songs. Med gruppens umiskendelige og berusende destillation af rock, hip-hop, industriel elektro og metal crunch, voksede deres kultpublikum bestående af millioner af trofaste fans.
2016 blev også året hvor Hollywood Undead udfoldede næste kapitel i karrieren. For første gang var bandet fri af de store pladeselskaber. De lancerede deres helt eget label Dove & Grenade Media og lavede en strategisk alliance med BMG. Denne uafhængighed blev en hjørnesten i den kreative proces bag Five som forventes at udkomme i slutningen af oktober.
“This time around, we took matters into our own hands more as a band,” says J-Dog. “We did more writing and producing ourselves. We were more hands-on than ever before. We realized that nobody knows our music better than we do. When we made this record, we didn’t have to think as much. We could go with our hearts more. It’s a group effort. One or more members put their blood, sweat, tears, and soul into every song. We took the reins of our own destiny.”
Bandet har spillet utallige udsolgte koncerter verden over og turneret med bands som Avenged Sevenfold, Korn og Stone Sour, og de har optrådt på diverse festivals inklusiv Download, Rock on the Range, Rock In Rio, Family Values, med flere.
Hollywood Undead "Already Dead" audio
Hollywood Undead "Already Dead" audio
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