Space Station Earth
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Live-forestillingen bringer publikum så tæt som muligt på astronauternes unikke oplevelser. I Space Station Earth har den prisvindende komponist og show-skaber Ilan Eshkeri kombineret sin enestående evne til at udtrykke følelser gennem musik, med billeder filmet af astronauter ombord på ISS samt billeder fra European Space Agency-locations filmet med hidtil uset adgang og
avancerede teknikker. Mange af disse optagelser er aldrig før blevet vist og projiceres på tværs af tre massive skærme med et lysshow for at skabe den ultimative fordybende koncertoplevelse, i et show som er den første af sin slags!
Menneskeheden har længe været fascineret af universet hinsides vores planet. De få mennesker, der har oplevet en rejse ud i rummet, udtrykker ofte en lignende følelse: erkendelsen af, at vi alle rejser sammen gennem tid og sted på vores egen rumstation kaldet Jorden.
Om inspirationen bag showet og rejsen med at skabe det siger, Ilan Eshkeri: “My music has taken to me to many unexpected and extraordinary places, but when astronaut Tim Peake got in touch to say he was a fan of my work a door was opened to one of the most amazing and inspiring journeys of my life, the result of which is Space Station Earth.
There are so many facts and figures about travelling to the International Space Station, but no one has ever told the emotional journey that astronauts go on. A journey that has startlingly similar experiences for astronauts from all corners of the world, and it was this realisation that inspired me to create Space Station Earth.
With Space Station Earth music, film and staging come together to create the visceral and immersive experience of going to space and looking back at our home, a journey very few have undertaken, communicated to the audience thorough pure emotion.”
ESA astronaut og Eshkeri’s samarbejdspartner Tim Peake siger om Space Station Earth, “There aren't many words that can truly describe the beauty of seeing Earth from space. But Space Station Earth attempts to do this, using music and video, to capture the emotion of human spaceflight and exploration. Featuring previously unreleased footage from ESA astronauts and accompanied by a large live band and singers, the show creates a unique experience, one that that celebrates space and unites the audience, just as exploration unites humankind.”
Space Station Earth er en musikalsk båret multimedieoplevelse, der gør det muligt for publikum at se med astronauternes øjne og opleve vores planet, stjernerne og udforskningen af universet. Uden dialog eller fortælling kan publikum forvente at fordybe sig i den ekstraordinære visuelle billedeside og følelsesladede musik og gå derfra fyldt med ærefrygt og undren.
Interview Anja C. Andersen
Interview Anja C. Andersen
Interview Andreas Mogensen
Interview Ilan Eshkeri
Ilan Eshkeri's Space Station Earth