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Conrad Molden: Comedy Stop Aalborg 2024

Conrad Molden: Comedy Stop Aalborg 2024

fre 06 sep. 2024

Døre: 20.30

OBS: dette show finder sted i AKKC - Europahallen

Oh Denmark, you are an yndigt land.

People always think of Nyhavn, Carlsberg and the Little Mermaid but Conrad has been in Denmark long enough to know it’s all about andreakage, DSB forsinkelser and flying your Dannebrog (but only in the daytime).

After three sold out national tours, Conrad is back with his unique danglish blend, snakkering all about internationale liv in the strange country he calls home. He is læring many things f.x. the Jylland-Sjælland dem-os rivalry (they both agree Fyn is a fartbump but actually fynboer are just drinking Albani and waiting for the well earned independence!) He’s found out about the controversial Aksel Sandemose, Denmark’s små byer, fødselsdagstraditioner and how Danes make a cup of English tea.

ÆØÅ offers a very special journey for locals and internationals through life in Danmark, from struggles in dansk to the small things that make us love this place.

Conrad has become a beacon for English-speaking comedy in dejlig Denmark. He’s a father, husband, manages an English language comedy club in Aarhus, writes regularly for the Copenhagen Post and guarantees an evening of extreme hygge.

God fornøjelse!

'Reminiscent of Hannah Gadsby or Tig Notaro... Tackles what could be a thorny, complex subject with grace, underplayed charm and some great jokes' Chortle



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Event information

For tredje år i træk er Comedy Stop klar til at præsentere noget af det ypperste inden for engelsksproget stand-up, og i 2024 udvider festivalen, så den både foregår i København og Aalborg. Comedy Stop 2024 kommer til at finde sted i perioden 4. – 8. september.

Til Comedy Stop får publikum en unik mulighed for at opleve international stand-up af højeste kvalitet på dansk grund. Festivalen vil bringe en række navne til forskellige venues i København og Aalborg. Her kan man opleve enkeltstående solo-shows med hver komiker, og billetter til hvert show sælges separat, så man har mulighed for selv at håndplukke hvilke man vil opleve i løbet af dagene.

Hold dig opdateret om yderligere navne på dette års festival via livenation.dk/comedy